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Google’s searching abilities go beyond a few keywords entered in a search box. Google provides some special syntaxes for improvising searches. There are a lot of google hacks that can  be used to make powerful searches that save a lot of your time.. I am writing here the few I know. Starting with the basics .

There are two types of search engines on the internet.The first is called searchable subject index. This kind of search engine searches only the titles and descriptions of sites, and doesn’t search individual pages.For example:Yahoo!.Then there full text search engines like Google which index billions of pages. These pages can be searched by url,title, content…….allowing for much narrower and powerful searches.

Boolean default: Whenever you search for more than one keyword at a time, a search engine has a default method to handle the search.This is known as its boolean default. It can be  either boolean AND (returns a page only if all the keywords are present on the page) or Boolean OR (returns a page if any of the keywords is present on the pagekeyword).Google’s boolean default is AND. That is if you search for say ‘firefox hacks’, google returns all pages with words firefox and hacks. If you want say all pages with either Tom or Jerry, you enter:

Tom OR Jerry

or, Tom|Jerry

Next: Search Syntaxes

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