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For a windows user migrating to linux  leaving behind one’s favorite windows games and applications is a problem. Now, the solution to this is obviously running linux natively in windows.

A commercial PC virtualisation software like VMware could solve the problem but its an expensive option. Another solution is using coLinux(cooperative linux).

Cooperative Linux is the first method for optimally running Linux on Windows and other operating systems natively. It is a port of the Linux kernel and support code that allows it to run cooperatively without emulation along with another operating system. coLinux differs itself by being more of a merger of Windows and the Linux kernel and not an emulated PC, making it more efficient.

coLinux is great. It consists of a lot of binary packages that can be selected by the user. Files are available for download here:

An important issue needs to be considered before starting of with installation. Windows is case-insensitive i.e files like kernel2.6 and KERNEL2.6 are the same in windows but in linux they denote different files. Hence while installing packages windows replaces files with same names but different cases. If this is ignored , after installation some commands do not work. To avoid this problem windows has to be made case  sensitive.

Open rregistry editor. Locate the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel\ dword:ObCaseInsensitive registry key. This key determines whether a file system is case sensitive or case insensitive. If the value of this key is set to 1, the file system is treated as case insensitive. If the value of this key is set to 0, the file system is treated as case sensitive.  Set the value to 0.  Save and restart computer. Now start with the installation.

A simpler version is andLinux.

andLinux is a complete Ubuntu Linux system running seamlessly in Windows 2000 based systems (2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7; 32-bit versions only). andLinux uses coLinux as its core which is confusing for many people.  Xming  is used as X server and PulseAudio as sound server. andLinux  runs almost all Linux applications without modification.

For download and installation details visit the site:

DVD uses 650 nm wavelength laser diode light as opposed to 780 nm for CD. This permits a smaller pit to be etched on the media surface compared to CDs (0.74 µm for DVD versus 1.6 µm for CD), allowing for a DVD’s increased storage capacity.

In comparison,Blu-ray, the successor to the DVD format, uses a wavelength of 405 nm, and one dual-layer disc has a 50 GB storage capacity.

Writing speeds for DVD were 1×, that is, 1350 kB/s (1,318 KB/s), in the first drives and media models. More recent models, at 18× or 20×, have 18 or 20 times that speed. Note that for CD drives, 1× means 150 KB/s (153.6 kB/s), approximately 9 times slower.

Internal mechanism of a DVD-ROM Drive.

DVD-RW Drive operating with the protective cover removed

Everyone who has run command-line programs needs no telling the flexibility and power that the command-line offers.

The tasklist command is a command-line version of the task manager.


Displays a list of applications and services with their Process ID (PID) for all tasks running on either a local or a remote computer.


/s Computer : Specifies the name or IP address of a remote computer (do not use backslashes). The default is the local computer.

/u Domain\User : Runs the command with the account permissions of the user specified by User or Domain\User. The default is the permissions of the current logged on user on the computer issuing the command.

/p Password : Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /u parameter.

/fo {TABLE|LIST|CSV} : Specifies the format to use for the output. Valid values are TABLE, LIST, and CSV. The default format for output is TABLE.

/fi FilterName : Specifies the types of process(es) to include in or exclude from the query. The following table lists valid filter names, operators, and values.

/m [ModuleName] : Specifies to show module information for each process. When a module is specified, all the processes using that module are shown. When a module is not specified, all the processes for all the modules are shown. Cannot be used with the /svc or the /v parameter.

/svc : Lists all the service information for each process without truncation. Valid when the /fo parameter is set to TABLE. Cannot be used with the /m or the /v parameter.

/v : Specifies that verbose task information be displayed in the output. Cannot be used with the /svc or the /m parameter.

I used this command to check modules that caused rundll32.dll to initiate
->tasklist /m /fi “IMAGENAME eq rundll32.exe” >C:\rundll32.txt

Thomas Edison is one of the most famous and revered Americans of all time, and deservedly so. School children are taught that he harnessed electricity, invented the light bulb and the phonograph. He was awarded 1093 patents during his long and rewarding creative life. His summer laboratory in Fort Myer, Florida is still a major tourist destination. In addition, Edison earned millions of dollars by commercializing his patents and product innovations. To this day we have all benefited from his genius.

Nikola Tesla, on the other hand, is virtually unknown today. He was born in Serbia, moved to America and became one of the most renowned scientists of his day. He was in many ways, the prototype for the “mad scientist” so often depicted in books and movies. His eccentricity and poor business decisions were the stuff of legends. And yet, Tesla’s inventions and scientific advances are as important in our contemporary lives as Edison’s.

As a young immigrant scientist Tesla actually worked for Edison. Edison held the patent on Direct Current (DC) and was, as always, aggressively pursuing commercialization of his patents. The famous banker J. P. Morgan was an early financial backer of Edison’s DC. Edison constructed a generator in New York City that could provide the miracle of light in homes, including Morgan’s Murray Hill mansion. It was considered a wonder of the day.

Tesla, however, recognized that DC had serious limitations, specifically in delivery of electricity across a vast grid. He championed Alternating Current (AC). Edison was furious. AC was a direct attack on his patents. He had no commercial claim to AC power generation. Tesla left Edison and the two great scientists became lifelong enemies.

Tesla introduced his theories on AC to George Westinghouse, another foe of Edison. The two became partners and a race between the devotees of AC and DC current commenced. Westinghouse and Tesla believed AC to be superior to DC because of the arc and greater footprint of power the system could deliver.

Edison, an unusual combination of man of science and excellent business– man, conducted an aggressive; some say savage public relations campaign to support his convictions that DC was the better technology. He conducted public electrocutions of animals in an effort to prove that DC was a safer, cleaner source of power. He even allowed DC to be used in the first electrocution of a death sentence criminal. This public display was botched and the criminal was re-electrocuted in a horrible manner. The public was shocked.

Meanwhile, Tesla was tasked by Westinghouse to harness the power of Niagara Falls to generate safe, widely disseminated electricity by utilizing the AC technology. The test and subsequent grid performance confirmed that AC was the superior technology. Morgan and Edison were forced to purchase interests in AC.

Thomas Edison prospered for the rest of his days. His connections with J.P. Morgan lead to the establishment of General Electric, one of the world’s great enterprises to this day. He died rich, revered, and famous.
Formation of GE

By 1890, Thomas Edison had brought together several of his business interests under one corporation to form Edison General Electric. At about the same time, Thomson-Houston Company, under the leadership of Charles A. Coffin, gained access to a number of key patents through the acquisition of a number of competitors. Subsequently, General Electric was formed by the 1892 merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Company.
Tesla was an immense contributor to the evolution of our modern power system. The many scientific tasks involved in electrifying the United States and the world would have occurred much more slowly without his inventions and creativity. Tesla was crucial to the perfection and acceptance of AC, the standard used to this day. And yet Tesla died broke, alone, flustered.

Edison invented the light bulb. However, without electricity delivered widely, safely and affordably the light bulb was of little value. A car without the internal combustion engine is a wagon. Similarly, Tesla’s perfection of AC was the tool that made the light bulb so valuable. Tesla’s success inadvertently affirmed Edison’s legacy.

Edison could sell. He was a genius at self-promotion. He could seek and obtain capital based on his reputation. He had charm and charisma. Edison created a legend for himself.

Tesla had none of these qualities. He made poor business choices. His reputation for being difficult closed many promising commercial doors. Tesla was dark and dour. English was his second language and he was never comfortable in a public format. His science has become obfuscated by his many futuristic predictions. Much of modern pseudo-science and today’s UFO acolytes rely on morsels of Tesla’s preaching.

If you Google “ascii art“, you’ll find an ASCII representation of Google’s logo next to the search box.

Color blindness is most often due to missing 1 or more of the 3 different types of cells that detect colors (aka “photoreceptors”) found in a normal eye. Each photoreceptor is tuned to respond to a different wavelength of light, and your brain can interpret their responses by combining the information from each type of photoreceptor, ideally leading to the perception of a vast array of colors.

I’m likely short on 1 type of photoreceptor making me red-green color blind

Color blindness is usually classed as a disability; however, in select situations color blind people have advantages over people with normal color vision. Color blind hunters are better at picking out prey against a confusing background, and the military have found that color blind soldiers can sometimes see through camouflage that fools everyone else. Monochromats may have a minor advantage in dark vision, but only in the first five minutes of dark adaptation.

In WWII analysis of aerial photographs, teams that included color-blind people were more successful. Color-blind individuals were able to detect unusual patterns in ways that normal-vision people couldn’t.

The United States Military has found that color blind individuals can be more easily trained as snipers due to the fact that they are more acutely aware of differences in texture and pattern and thereby less likely to be fooled by camouflage patterns.

And more recently, researchers from the University of Calgary showed that color-blind monkeys are better at hunting insects. The monkey’s without color vision caught more insects, presumably because they could see through the insects’ camouflage. Evolutionary speculators have suggested that a group of hunters that contained at least one person who is color blind would be more successful, and so this trait might continue to be selected for in a portion of the population.

An MP5A3 without magazine The MP5SD3.

MP5=>The primary weapon of the NSGs

The Heckler & Koch MP5 (From Maschinenpistole 5 – German: “machine pistol model 5”) is a 9mm submachine gun of German design, developed in the 1960s by a team of engineers from the German small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH (H&K) of Oberndorf am Neckar.
It is currently used by the armed forces and law enforcement units of over 40 countries. The MP5 remains one of the most widely deployed of all current submachine guns and has been developed into a family with numerous variants.

In india its the primary weapon of the MARCOS, NSG.Its also used by the Indian Army.Its also the primary weapon of the newly inducted Force One of Maharashtra Police.

Some other countries that use this weapon::
France:Used by the Groupe d’Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale, French Foreign Legion, Commandement des Operations Speciales (COS), Groupement Special Autonome and certain specialized units within the French Army (MP5A5 and MP5SD3 variants)
Germany:German State Police, German Federal Police, KSK, Kampfschwimmer, Long Range Reconnaissance Company, Feldjäger (military police), GSG 9. The German Army and German Navy also employ the MP5K
United Kingdom: UKSF, Metropolitan Police Specialist Firearms Command, Firearms units of police forces, Royal Ulster Constabulary, Police Service of Northern Ireland, Special Air Service.
United States: Special operations forces use the MP5-N

All information from
For more::

Hummer brand sold to Chinese manufacturer
Hummer, the off-road vehicle that once epitomized America’s love for hulking trucks, is now in the hands of a Chinese heavy equipment maker.

General Motors Co. and Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Corp. finally signed the much-anticipated deal for GM to sell the brand on Friday.

Tengzhong will get an 80 percent stake in the company, while Hong Kong investor Suolang Duoji, who indirectly owns a big stake in Tengzhong through an investment company, will get 20 percent. The investors will also get Hummer’s nationwide dealer network.